Sunday, December 23, 2018

What are Blackheads with StyleKorean by qborero

A lot of us are struggling to have a perfectly smooth and healthy skin. There are so many impurities on our skin that we need to remove in order to achieve that perfect skin. One of the most common skin impurities are blackheads.


Blackheads are small, dark lesions that appear on the skin, often on the face and neck. They are a feature of mild acne, but they can appear without other signs of acne being present.

  • Blackheads are made of oxidized melanin and not trapped dirt.
  • Squeezing or scrubbing at blackheads can make them worse.
  • To reduce blackheads, avoid oil-based skin care products, humid environments, tight clothes, and skin products that contain alcohol.
  • They tend to appear when hormones lead to the increased production of sebum, an oily substance, by the glands under the skin.

  • the blocking or covering pores by cosmetics and clothing
  • heavy sweating
  • shaving and other activities that open the hair follicles
  • high humidity and grease in the immediate environment
  • some health conditions, such as stress, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
  • medications that encourage rapid skin cell turnover
  • use of some steroid-based drugs, such as corticosteroids

To remove blackheads you can use the Tosowoong Blackhead & Sebum Out, get yours at

Let's Kbeauty with StyleKorean

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